Hi there, thanks for visiting my blog!
My name is Ramona, I am a Christian, wife, mother to 3 little blessings, a homeschooler, graphic artist and a “big-kid at heart”. I love all things that are “Kids Approved”: cooking, games, toys, learning etc.
In my spare time… and by that I mean, on the rare occasion when the house is spotless, dinner is made, the laundry basket is empty and clothes are pressed and put away, school work is done for the day and no one is shouting out: “MUUUUUM *insert question*” or “HONEY have you seen my *insert missing item*” :p I enjoy reading, puzzles, going for long walks and sitting on the floor playing with the kids 🙂
This blog is all about fun and educational kid things. My aim is to inspire other mothers and fathers, grandparents, educators, babysitters – anyone who has a special little person (or 2 or 3 or more) in their lives 🙂
I also share my collection of graphics, and some tips and tricks for people who would like to create their own printables.
My newest hobby is turning photos into artwork that can be showcased in people’s homes, or gifted to loved ones.
This is a photo of my family. I love them soooo much. For online safety reasons, I don’t share too many photos of my children and I try to keep as much of their info. private – which is why I often refer to them as “big brother”, “littler brother”, “sister”, “daughter” etc. as opposed to using real names.

Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy your stay on my page!
Lots of love,
RamonaM xo