Hand washing Clip art


  • USD: $3.99
  • CAD: $5.44
  • NZD: $6.50
  • EUR: 3.67€
  • GBP: £3.12


This washing hands Clip art set was designed using the WHO correct hand washing recommendation as a guide. I have used dark toned hands for this particular set.

Click HERE for the Fair hands)

You will get:

1. Wet hands

2. Squirt soap into palms

3. Rub hands

4. Wash palm over back of hand

5. Palm to palm

6. Back of fingers

7. Thumbs

8. Rotational rubbing with fingers

9. Rinse hands

10. Dry hands with single use towel

11. Use towel to turn tap off

12. Clean hands

13. 30 second timer

You will get 3 copies of each image (39 images in total) in the following formats: black and white; colored with colored outlines and colored with black outlines (see previews).

All images are in PNG format and 300 dpi.

By purchasing this set you agree to the RamonaM Graphics T&C. Click HERE to download a copy.
(Copy also included with set)
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