St. Patrick’s Day Clip art


  • USD: $4.66
  • CAD: $6.35
  • NZD: $7.58
  • EUR: 4.28€
  • GBP: £3.64


St. Patrick’s Day Clip art that tells the entire story of the life of St. Patrick. Each image depicts the events as history and legends relate it to us. The nature of the images makes it a perfect set that could also be used on any Christian project.

You will get:

1. St. Patrick & Pirate

2. Map

3. St. Patrick praying

4. Sheep on hill

5. Sheep

6. St. Patrick on knees

7. Ship’s Captain & ship

8. St. Patrick re-united with parents

9. St. Patrick reaching out

10. Man with letter “The Voice of the Irish”

11. St. Patrick baptizing

12. Snake attacking

13. St. Patrick banishing

14. Snake banished

15. St. Patrick in “priestly garments”

16. 3 leaved clover

17. 3 leaved clover demonstrating Trinity

You will get 3 copies of each image (51 images in total) in the following formats: black and white; colored with colored outlines and colored with black outlines.

All images are in PNG format and are 300dpi.

By purchasing this set you agree to the RamonaM Graphics T&C. Click HERE to download a copy.
(Copy also included with set)
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