Sun Safety Clip art


  • USD: $3.33
  • CAD: $4.54
  • NZD: $5.41
  • EUR: 3.06€
  • GBP: £2.60


This sun safety clip art includes it all! From staying indoors to what one should do when they are in the sun.

You will get:

1. Child at beach applying sunscreen

2. Child wearing in UPF wet-suit

3. Hot, angry sun

4. Keeping hydrated

5. Role model mother ensuring child is sun safe

6. Child playing under shade cloth

7. Sitting under the shade of a tree

8. Slip, slop, slap, slide (child who has slipped on a shirt, slopped on some zinc/sunscreen, slapped on a hat, and slid into a pair of sunglasses)

9. Stay indoors between 9-4

10. A sunburn child

11. Sunscreen showing the SPF30 min

You will get 3 copies of each image (33 images in total) in the following formats: black and white; colored with colored outlines and colored with black outlines (see previews).

All images are in PNG format and 300 dpi.

By purchasing this set you agree to the RamonaM Graphics T&C. Click HERE to download a copy.
(Copy also included with set)
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